Demographics & Trends
St. Louis, MO-IL had a population of 2,804,724 people with a median age of 39.6 and a median household income of $62,790 by 2018 (U.S Census Bureau, 2018).
The median property value is $180,700, and the homeownership rate is 68.4% (Data USA (2018)
There are 1,262,336 housing units, with 90% of the units occupied and 10% unoccupied, while 68% of the units are owner-occupied and 32% renter-occupied (U.S Census Bureau, 2018).
About 74% of the housing units are single unit, 23% are multi-unit, 3% are mobile homes, and below 0% are boats, RV, and vans.
There are 1,137,478 number of households, with 2.4 persons per household (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018).
Economy & Employment
The St. Louis metro area’s household income increased by 1.98% from $61,571 to $62,790 (Data USA, 2018).
The average male salary in 2018 was $74,413, while the average female salary was $55,889.
The average salary by race and ethnicity in 2018 was $70,233 for Asian employees, $60,032 for White employees, and $53,351 for Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (Data USA, 2018).
The employment rate grew by 0.557% from 2017 to 2018, an increase from 1.4 million employees to 1.41 million employees.
Majority of the employees work on office and administrative support occupations (168,689 people), management occupations (143,096 people), and sales and related occupations (141,476 people) (Data USA, 2018).
The highest paid jobs, by median earnings, are computer and mathematical operations ($78,675), architecture and engineering occupations ($77,256), and legal occupations ($76,561).
The most common employment sectors/industries are health care and social assistance (151,569 people), retail trade (152,712 people), and manufacturing (151,659 people) (Data USA (2018)
Figure 1: Employment by industries in ST. Louis metro area, according to Data USA (2018)
Below is a list of employers by numbers in St. Louis metro area, according to St. Louis Magazine (2017):
- BJC HealthCare: 28,351
- Walmart: 22,290
- Washington University: 15,818
- SSM Health: 14,926
- Mercy: 14,195
- Boeing: 14,000
- Scott Air Force Base: 13,000
- Schnucks: 9,956
- S. Postal Service: 9,956
- AT&T: 9,000
- Archdiocese of St. Louis: 8,780
- McDonald’s: 7,550
- City of St. Louis: 7,404
- Saint Louis University: 7,400
- Washington University Physicians: 7,222
- Special School District of St. Louis County: 6,272
- Edward Jones: 6,100
- Imo’s: 5,515
- Enterprise: 5,500
- Express Scripts: 5,323
There are 5 largest ethnic groups in St. Louis metro area:
- White (74%)
- Black (18%)
- Asian (3%)
- Hispanic (3%)
- Two or more races (3%)
About 51% are female, 49% are male, while over 97.6% are U.S citizens (Data USA, 2018).
Lastly, there are plenty of cultural and entertainment offerings in St. Louis metro area, including museums. There are also festivals and fairs of all types, including arts, and music, ethnic, that happen all year round.